The Virginia Lake of the Woods Lions Club engages its 90+ members and community, including a weekly yard sale that raises nearly $50,000 annually.
Discover how the Dade City Hispanic American Lions Club in Florida is bringing hope and change through service to the local farm-working community and more.
The Whitefish Lions Club Farm to School Project planted the seed for what has grown into the Center for Sustainability and Entrepreneurship–Montana's first zero-net energy building.
Order form for Leo recruitment posters and materials, brochures, handbooks and member kits
Watch this LQ to check out the location of the 2010 International Convention; see how the Lions All-State band inspires young musicians; watch how Lions build a better future for Indian children; and watch Lions in South Africa put food to good use.
When Kaani Lions School was in desperate need of renovation, LCIF partnered with Lions of Japan to help rebuild.
Leo-Lion Board Liaisons Shahenda Refaat and Potter Ka Kai Fong share their personal stories from Leo to Leo-Lion and important about the Leo-Lion Program
[pdf] Certified Guiding LionDuring the webinar, we will review the course, get curriculum updates, and learn about the resources available to help your event be successful. You will also learn how you can participate in an online training course with help from a CGL trainer,…
Report submitted quartley when a Certified Guiding Lion is assigned to a club
This guide is for Certified Guiding Lions assigned to assist exisiting or cancelled clubs