Governing documents of a Lions district
Governing documents of a Lions district
We know just how important our global foundation is to our mission, and to our ability to serve. Our latest challenge is this: Our world is in need. Our communities are in need. Some are fighting diabetes, others are hungry, others are losing their…
Materials for the 2020 USA / Canada Forum presentation from the Young Lions Task Force
Recording of the 2020 USA / Canada Forum presentation from the Young Lions Task Force
Lions Quest Promotional Grants are available for US$1,500 each.
This flyer will help give a starting point with current Lions programs to families in their communities.
The sixth in our series of centennial videos, Lions and LCIF --Humanitarian Service Around the World.
With the pandemic communities are facing a rise in hunger. Lions are stepping up to provide food and support.
We all need new ideas to serve. Hear from Lions about how they think outside the box!