Changing lives is what Lions do, and people need to hear about it. That’s where a bit of marketing know-how can make a big difference. With a little effort, your club can raise awareness and support for our global causes, create…
Région constitutionnelle VIII - En savoir plus sur l’action du Lions en matière de lutte contre le cancer infantile.
Featuring presenter Leo-Lion Board Liaison Juan Manuel (Pollo) Cáceres, this informational webinar will review the Kindness Matters Service Award and its resources.
Live panel discussion between guest Lions who have held their own successful virtual symposiums or on-line events, and are sharing knowledge gained from these experiences.
Learn more about the Global HOPE partnership, how Lions are advocating for pediatric cancer awareness, and how our work in vision is helping improve cancer outcomes.
Read stories from Lions and Leos about how LCIF empowered their service, and share your own LCIF service story.
April is Leo club Awareness Month! During April, we encourage Lions and Leos to raise awareness of the importance of Leo clubs in their communities. Leo clubs create a platform for young people to serve as…
The club LCIF Coordinator is an ambassador for Lions clubs International Foundation in your club. This person will share LCIF stories, motivate fellow Lions to support LCIF, and enable LCIF to advance its humanitarian work both…
Learn more about how Lions’ work in disaster relief is magnified through LCIF, and how matching grants can substantially increase your community service impact.