When the Jarvis Lions Club in Ontario, Canada, was contemplating a Centennial Legacy Project, they were dreaming big. This group of ambitious Lions wanted to create a project that was spectacular, yet practical. One that others…
A questionnaire to the Lions who have not attended a district convention requesting feedback.
Host PID Pat Vannett is joined by GAT area leaders from across the United States as they discuss resources and strategies your club can use in preparing to hit a grand slam when it comes to service.
An idea from a Cub grows into a district wide service project.
See how a Facebook page for your Lions clubs is an easy and effective way to share news and stories about your club. Read this guide on setting up you Lions club Facebook page.
Learn about the Seal Beach Lions club's success and how you can take the same action to grow your Lions club and community impact.
Shreya Zoy, a 13-year-old girl from Kerala, India, has an idea of what peace should mean to the world. She brought that idea to life through a powerful essay earning her the grand prize in the Lions…
[mp4] Together We CanLions service is a team effort. There's no better way to make a mark than by being a Lion. We make our community better and feel good about it. Together, we can. Together, we will.
[mp4] Leo Senior PromWatch how Leos and Lions work together to organize a prom for senior citizens.
[mp4] Reading CarnivalLearn how Lions in Illinois work with their library to create a Reading Carnival for children.