Not every Lions Centennial Legacy Project has to be a monumental undertaking. The Taylorsville-Winfield Lions Club in Carroll County, Maryland, for example, decided to install a beautiful oak bench in the local park for their…
[mp4] LCIF Is Your FoundationIn your community and communities around the world, LCIF is your Foundation. Since being founded in 1968, LCIF has been supporting Lions in their efforts to make a difference around the world. In this new video, learn about the accomplishments of…
Following the devastation of Hurricane Maria, Lions in Puerto Rico are healing their community with the assistance of a LCIF Major Catastrophe Grant.
A flyer explaining the KidSight USA program. Great for Lions involved with KidSight USA who want to promote the program.
[pdf] Social Media ChecklistHandout to help Lions and Leos understand each social channel, share their stories effectively and grow their social networks.
Have you ever considered hosting an international student in your home? If not, you’re missing out on the experience of a lifetime! I first discovered the Lions Youth Camp and Exchange Program (YCE) in 2012 at our club’s…
In 2021, a maritime disaster off the coast of Japan brought together a group of passionate independent volunteers to assist in the clean-up. Seeing their dedication, Council Chairperson Tomoyuki…
LCIF empowers the service of Lions to improve the lives of the visually impaired and prevent avoidable blindness. Thanks to an LCIF grant, The B.P. Koirala Lions Center for Ophthalmic Studies in Kathmandu serves millions of people in Nepal. The…
[pdf] GAT Coordinators WebinarPresentation by PID Robert Rettby, GAT Area Leader Max Mongia, GAT Area Leader Zeynep Kocasinan, PCC Viresh Paul, and Grisell Barraza provide an in depth and thorough explanation on GAT, as well as introduce the new concept of GMA. Topics also…
To be or not to be a Model Club? That is the question. The answer? A resounding “Be a Model Club!” If you’re ready to help your Club become a Leader among Leaders, read on to learn why being a Campaign 100 Model Club is the…