Dear Lions, I regret to inform you that Past International President, Dr. Jean Behar, died at his home on October 2, 2016 after a decline in his health. He was 87 years old. The late PIP Behar was…
As a part of the August Engaging Our Youth Centennial Service Challenge, we’re featuring spotlights on Lions Youth Camp and Exchange chairpersons and participants. Today’s spotlight is on Lion Barbara Milcic, a 2014-15…
Today's post is by Dianne Corlew, Lion and wife of International President Chancellor Bob Corlew. Be sure to follow Dianne's Lions Partners in Education Facebook page! At the District Governors Elect Partners in Service Seminar…
Read about Leo-Lion Kyle Boutilier's experience with the Young Lions Retreat and learn more about the 2020 retreat!
This is one man's journey to becoming a Lion.
Lions around the world lend a hand to support COVID-19 vaccination efforts.
Read about how the Ohio County Virtual Lions were only 2 weeks old when the coronavirus pandemic began.
The 2020-2021 Kindness Matters Service Award Winners have been announced. , Charlotte Lions Club in Keysville, Virginia, responded when their community was hit not once, but twice, by successive…
In the second panel of the Oct. 2 Lions Champions of Change event, six Lions from across the country gathered to discuss service, humanitarian aid and youth development programs. At the invitation of the White House, more than…
I’ve always been one of those optimistic people who thinks that nothing bad can happen to good people. But life has taught me that no matter how successful or good you are, tragedy can still show up at your door. In helping…