2017-18 Lions Clubs International President Naresh Aggarwal reflects on new global cause diabetes and partners in this effort.
The Ohio County Virtual Lions Club will be presenting their first episode about how they have served their community in a virtual world.
High school students in Uruguay work with their local Lions club on an organic greenhouse—helping them bring their ideas to life.
2003-2004 Lions Clubs International President Dr. Tae-Sup Lee reflects on the success of Campaign SightFirst II.
Discover resources for region and zone chairpersons to implement the Global Membership Approach steps within their clubs.
Explore our list of past international directors and learn about their contributions to Lions Clubs International.
This exciting event commemorates Lions Clubs International's decades-long partnership with the United Nations as an NGO.
In this issue of Lions Quarterly Video Magazine, hear how Lions around the world are making it their priority to benefit the well-being of children, watch how the Lions who established the Melvin Jones Health Center help a young boy return to school…
The Lions clubs International Foundation (LCIF) mission is to empower Lions clubs, volunteers, and partners to improve health and well-being, strengthen communities, and support those in need through…