Learn about International White Cane Safety Day and find activities that your club can lead to raise white cane awareness.
Lions clubs International presented Lions and Leo clubs with the Kindness Matters Service Awards. clubs were chosen for their commitment to service and ingenuity in serving their community.
This presentation will help guide a conversation with clubs on how to make their club more family friendly.
Strides activities are a fun and engaging way for Lions and Leos everywhere to promote diabetes awareness. These events can be any physical activity, from a run to a dance competition! Get more tips…
[pdf] Transfer memberThis form provides instructions for completing member transfers from club to club either on MyLCI or on MMR.
Course that takes the Guiding Lion through a full understanding of the roles and responsibilities of the club officers and club operations. It prepares a Guiding Lion to support a new or established Lions club.
The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the way Lions serve their communities. Learn more about how we get back to business while navigating our new normal through LCIF and Campaign 100. Speakers included LCIF Chairperson Gudrun Yngvadottir, 1st…
Announce upcoming service projects your club is hosting and invite members of the community to volunteer and join your club.