Lioness Bridge Program The Lioness Bridge Program, and the associated benefits, ended June 30, 2021. Lions clubs International continuously broadcasted this notice via messages to Lions districts and clubs and on the website since April 2018.…
Flyer co-branded with American Foundation for the Blind [AFB] to promote braille/technology literacy for people with vision loss.
A vision screening event for adults that promotes eye health and raises community awareness of the causes of preventable vision loss
A family event that promotes exercise, recreation, and peer-to-peer networking for youth and families affected by blindness and/or visual impairment
A flyer explaining the KidSight USA program. Great for Lions involved with KidSight USA who want to promote the program.
Flyer co-branded w/Medic Alert Foundation, promotes importance of knowing medical information before needed in emergency.
Lions specialty Clubs help meet people's passion, wherever that passion lies. The ECAD Lions Club Branch in Connecticut works with Educated Canines Assisting with Disabilities (ECAD), a local organization that trains and places Service Dogs for…
In Nairobi, Lions work with a local school to provide basic health exams, water, and help promote healthy living habits.
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