Support membership development as a part of the Global Action team
The Chicago Central Lions Club has carried on the legacy and vision of Lions Clubs founder Melvin Jones since it was chartered chartering in 1917.
Use this document to learn more about New Club Development.
Specialty Clubs empower already existing groups to turn their passions into rewarding service.
The webinar focused on reviewing the Club Achievement Report, Visitations, Expense claims and more.
The Founding – a short video about the origins of our association and the key players in its first years. The first in a series of centennial videos from Lions Clubs International. Available in languages, select language under closed captions.
[pdf] Club Activity CalendarHelp plan and share service, fellowship and management activities with your club.
PID Sheryl Jensen hosts a workshop on Specialty Clubs with LCI staff and local Lion experts.
This presentation will step you through process of starting a club branch and the benefits to grow membership and to expand service impact into the community.
Cause-based Specialty Lions Clubs unite members around a cause to strengthen their impact.