Use this document to learn more about New Club Development.
The webinar focused on reviewing the Club Achievement Report, Visitations, Expense claims and more.
The Founding – a short video about the origins of our association and the key players in its first years. The first in a series of centennial videos from Lions Clubs International. Available in languages, select language under closed captions.
PID Sheryl Jensen hosts a workshop on Specialty Clubs with LCI staff and local Lion experts.
This presentation will step you through process of starting a club branch and the benefits to grow membership and to expand service impact into the community.
[pdf] Club Activity CalendarHelp plan and share service, fellowship and management activities with your club.
Cause-based Specialty Lions Clubs unite members around a cause to strengthen their impact.
Helpful guide that identifies common club issues and provides resources with potential solutions.
Use this customizable press release to promote charter member recruitment for a newly chartered club.