2019-20 Lions International President Jung-Yul Choi shares the importance of reporting Lions service using MyLion. There have been challenges, but there are so many benefits to keep trying to best measure our impact, identify ways to work together,…
Guide to help districts and sponsoring clubs organize and charter new clubs.
[pdf] Leo Club Program FeesThis is an overview of the Leo club program fees for Lions to charter a Leo club.
This form is for sponsoring Lions Clubs to fill out to terminate their Leo Club.
The Lions Quest club Achievement Award recognizes individual Lions clubs that engage in the Lions Quest Program through promotion, advocacy, and Lions Quest program implementation.
Learn the about the role and responsibilities for the club marketing chairperson position.
This form is for sponsoring Lions clubs to fill out to create a new Leo club. For both Alpha and Omega.
Submit this form to the New clubs Department to ensure that transfer fees are waived for branch members coverting to a traditional club.
The presentation is intended to encourage the appointment of a club membership chairperson and resources available to them.