[pdf] Club Activity CalendarHelp plan and share service, fellowship and management activities with your club.
PID Sheryl Jensen hosts a workshop on Specialty Clubs with LCI staff and local Lion experts.
This presentation will step you through process of starting a club branch and the benefits to grow membership and to expand service impact into the community.
Cause-based Specialty Lions Clubs unite members around a cause to strengthen their impact.
Helpful guide that identifies common club issues and provides resources with potential solutions.
Use this customizable press release to promote charter member recruitment for a newly chartered club.
[pdf] Champions Lions ClubThis flyer is used to promote a Specialty Lions Clubs rallying around the cause of supporting Special Olympics.
This form is for sponsoring Lions Clubs to report their appointed Leo Club Advisor and Leo Club President for the fiscal year. This should be done each fiscal year, either through MyLCI, but if they do not have access to MyLCI, then they use this…
[pdf] Club Branch GuideThis guide will step you through getting a club branch started as a way to grow membership and to get more members involved in service.
[pdf] Club Treasurer e-BookThis tool walks the club treasurer through the fiscal year providing calendar for tasks as well as tools and resources to fulfill their roles and responsibilities.