2009-10 Lions Clubs International President Eberhard J. Wirfs reflects on the growth of women members in the organization.
2013-2014 Lions Clubs International President Barry Palmer shares the community impact of microfinance loans.
1985-1986 Lions Clubs International President Joseph Wroblewski reflects on Lions in China and the launch of SightFirst China Action.
2017-18 Lions Clubs International President Naresh Aggarwal reflects on new global cause diabetes and partners in this effort.
2007-2008 Lions Clubs International President Mahendra Amarasuriya reflects on the impact of the 2014 tsunami on Sri Lanka and Lions response.
2008-09 Lions Clubs International President Al Brandel reflects on how Lions and LCIF provide support following a disaster.
2016-17 Lions Clubs International President Bob Corlew reflects on Lions centennial year, celebrating our legacy of service.
2005-06 Lions Clubs International President Ashok Mehta reflects on how Lions can do so much more through Lions Clubs International Foundation.
2014-2015 Lions Clubs International President Joe Preston reflects on the launch of the Centennial Service Challenge to serve more than 100 million people by June 2018.
1982-1983 International President Everett J. Grindstaff reflects on the grassroots nature of Lions programs.