Lioness Bridge Program The Lioness Bridge Program, and the associated benefits, ended June 30, 2021. Lions clubs International continuously broadcasted this notice via messages to Lions districts and clubs and on the website since April 2018.…
Find the current month's exchange rates here when you need to make payments or deposits for clubs or districts.
Lions Quest has made a profound impact on youth and formed meaningful partnerships to help young people reach their full potential. In 2024, we celebrated a major milestone: 40 years since the first grant was awarded.
Please join the Lions of Africa, the GAT Leadership, a dynamic team of Lion storytellers, and LCI/F program beneficiaries in showcasing a variety of impactful stories from across the continent to the world at the first Africa GAT Success Story…
Explore a variety of new member orientation resources that will help you make your new members feel comfortable, confident, and involved in your club.
Join our Leo-Lion Board Liaisons and International Third Vice President Mark Lyon to learn about strategies for the Leo to Lion transition.
[mp4] Beyond the HorizonDiscover how 2018-2019 International President, Gudrun Yngvadottir, charted a course for Lions to achieve greater service through innovation, kindness and perseverance.
Application for the supplemental insurance policy available for purchase by Lions clubs and districts.
[pdf] Brand GuidelinesGet guidelines on logos, fonts, colors, images and language for Lions International, Lions Clubs International and LCIF.
International President Chancellor Bob Corlew congratulates Lions on serving 100 million people and challenges us to continue changing lives during the Centennial Service Challenge.