1990-1991 Lions clubs International President William L. Biggs reflects on expansion of clubs into Eastern Europe.
1993-1994 Lions Clubs International President James T. Coffey reflects on the launch on Campaign SightFirst.
2013-2014 Lions Clubs International President Barry Palmer shares the community impact of microfinance loans.
2009-10 Lions Clubs International President Eberhard J. Wirfs reflects on the growth of women members in the organization.
Watch the latest historical Lions video to learn how Lions have dedicated themselves to building peace and international understanding across borders and generations. Available in languages, select language under closed captions.
1985-1986 Lions Clubs International President Joseph Wroblewski reflects on Lions in China and the launch of SightFirst China Action.
2017-18 Lions Clubs International President Naresh Aggarwal reflects on new global cause diabetes and partners in this effort.
2007-2008 Lions Clubs International President Mahendra Amarasuriya reflects on the impact of the 2014 tsunami on Sri Lanka and Lions response.
2008-09 Lions Clubs International President Al Brandel reflects on how Lions and LCIF provide support following a disaster.
2016-17 Lions Clubs International President Bob Corlew reflects on Lions centennial year, celebrating our legacy of service.