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This YCEC Handbook serves as a resource for you to understand the roles and responsibilities of being a YCEC. If your multiple district, district or your club is starting a YCE program for the first time, or starting up a program after a long hiatus…
Catch a glimpse of the first 100 years of Lions in our Centennial segment; learn how Lions in Hawaii are fighting hunger with a community garden; see youth embrace peace at a Lions camp in Norway; and more.
With over 400 members, the Seal Beach Lions club in California is the largest Lions club in the United States. They engage members and community by making their club fun and visible, involving family and youth volunteers, and empowering Lions to…
Lions Quest has made a profound impact on youth and formed meaningful partnerships to help young people reach their full potential. In 2024, we celebrated a major milestone: 40 years since the first grant was awarded.
Please join the Lions of Africa, the GAT Leadership, a dynamic team of Lion storytellers, and LCI/F program beneficiaries in showcasing a variety of impactful stories from across the continent to the world at the first Africa GAT Success Story…
The Yosemite Rim Fire is one of the worst wildfires in California history. Thousands of firefighters came to fight the fire and hundreds of Lions came together to serve. Watch the video to learn more.
Lions specialty Clubs help meet people's passion, wherever that passion lies. The ECAD Lions Club Branch in Connecticut works with Educated Canines Assisting with Disabilities (ECAD), a local organization that trains and places Service Dogs for…
Part three of our three-part series of 2018-2019 presidential videos—emphasizes the importance of treating every project with fresh eyes and creativity—paint the world you want to see.
[mp4] Pay It ForwardPresident Jung-Yul Choi describes the moment that inspired his life of service and the importance of paying it forward. Part three of our three-part series of 2019-2020 presidential videos.