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This Lions Clubs International webinar will go through the fundamentals of using public relations to advertise your Lions Clubs, including the type of content to publish and common "dos" and "don'ts" of public relations. The presentation will be…
Checklist used for Mentor of the Membership Chairperson
By collecting hair donations for wigs, Lions in Japan are helping families struggling with the realities of childhood cancer lead brighter, happier lives
Leo club Advisors that have been an advisor for 5 years can be recognized with a certificate and a pin. This application is for the Lions clubs president to fill out
Information pertaining to unrelated business income tax (UBIT)
Global Action Team Leaders from across the United States discuss strategies and resources you can use to grow your club.
Find out how you can help your members realize their potential to better serve their community through the Lions Mentoring Program.
Part three of our three-part series of 2018-2019 presidential videos—emphasizes the importance of treating every project with fresh eyes and creativity—paint the world you want to see.
[mp4] Pay It ForwardPresident Jung-Yul Choi describes the moment that inspired his life of service and the importance of paying it forward. Part three of our three-part series of 2019-2020 presidential videos.