1987-88 Lions Clubs International President Judge Brian Stevenson reflects on the vote to bring women into the organization.
Watch the latest historical Lions video to learn how Lions have dedicated themselves to building peace and international understanding across borders and generations. Available in languages, select language under closed captions.
Learn how Lions became known as Knights of the Blind, serving blind and visually impaired people for the past 100 years. Available in languages, select language under closed captions.
[mp4] Specialty ClubsDiscover how specialty clubs allow Lions to serve in specific and important ways in individual communities around the globe. Part two of our three-part series of 2019-2020 presidential videos.
2001-2002 International President J. Frank Moore III reflects on the history of Lions' partnership with the Gates Foundation.
Watch this video and see how students in Italy, Japan, Australia and Tennesee, USA, are benefiting from the successful life skills program Lions Quest.
Meet the 2021-2022 Lions Clubs International President Douglas X. Alexander of the Brooklyn Bedford Stuyvesant Lions Club (Brooklyn, New York, USA)
2003-2004 Lions Clubs International President Dr. Tae-Sup Lee reflects on the success of Campaign SightFirst II.
Learn about our association's founder, Melvin Jones, and his commitment to the success of Lions Clubs International. Available in languages, select language under closed captions.
1994-1995 Lions Clubs International President Prof. Dr. Giuseppi Grimalid reflects on joining Lions, an international humanitarian organization.