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An interactive assessment tool that helps clubs apply their unique strengths and motivations to the needs and opportunities within their local community
Checklist used for mentor of the club LCIF coordinator
Survey to assist the Zone Chairpersons with clubs in their area
Checklist used for mentor of the club service chairperson
This LQ features tsunami rebuilding efforts in South Asia; a North Carolina Lions Camp for the blind and visually impaired; a Lions eye hospital in India; and the gift of glasses for children in Chicago.
In this LQ, watch how Lions respond to a massive Chinese earthquake; save the planet through environmental projects; and support cutting-edge genetic research in France for neuromuscular diseases. Also, learn about the Lions Christmas Ship.
This LQ features Lions in the Cayman Islands raising breast care awareness; people with disabilities answering the call to service; villagers in Turkey learning better farming practices; and Australian Lions providing relief to wildfire victims.
This LQ features New Zealand Lions' creative approach to turn trash into fashion; Lions in California raise diabetes awareness; Lions Quest makes a big impact in Tennessee; and Lions Dog Guides Training Center near Toronto, Canada.