Learn how groups of people with common interests who want to give something back to their communities are taking the next step and becoming Lions clubs.
[pdf] Sponsoring A New ClubWhen you sponsor a new club there are important roles and responsibilities involved, and this guide will help you better understand what to expect.
[mp4] Retiree Specialty ClubsRetiree Specialty Lions Clubs draws upon the professional expertise of its members to meet specialized community needs.
Provides a mechanism for club members to resolve disputes within their clubs
[pdf] Your Club Your WayThis guide helps customize the club meetings to better suit the needs and lifestyles of club members.
[pdf] Standard Club StructuresThis is an organizational chart based on the Standard club Constitution & By-Laws of the club board of directors, officers and committee chairpersons.
Learn proven strategies that will bring your club back to life and make strong clubs even better.
Support membership development as a part of the Global Action team
The Chicago Central Lions Club has carried on the legacy and vision of Lions Clubs founder Melvin Jones since it was chartered chartering in 1917.