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Clubs hosting a World Diabetes Day service project can pickup this press release template to help gain more publicity around their service project
[pdf] Brand MessagingGet brand tips and ready-to-go messaging that can help you talk about Lions International, Lions Clubs International and LCIF with your community.
Get all the tools you need to publicize your club’s events, updates, recruitment and more while staying true to the Lions International brand.
Read about LCIF’s 30-year partnership with the World Health Organization (WHO), which has helped enact several blindness prevention initiatives.
A Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) fiscal year 2022-2023 annual report overview of LCIF's investments and impact, programs, donations and financial information.
Hosted in multiple sites throughout the year including Nairobi, Kenya, LDUN commemorates Lions Clubs International's decades-long partnership with the United Nations as an NGO.
Learn about our association's founder, Melvin Jones, and his commitment to the success of Lions Clubs International. Available in languages, select language under closed captions.
The Lions Quest Champion Award recognizes Lions that demonstrate an active commitment to introducing and sustaining Lions Quest activity at the club, region, district, or multiple district level.
This form is for sponsoring Lions clubs to report their Leo district and multiple districts officers. This should be done each fiscal year, either through the Lion Portal or this form.