The Lions Clubs International emblem is recognized around the world as a symbol of kindness and service. Within our brand, there are several icons, logos and emblems that represent our various…
Since 2002, Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) has partnered with Johnson & Johnson to implement the largest-known, school-based eye health program, Sight For Kids.
Learn how the Lions Certified Instructor Program (LCIP) can help Lions interested in becoming certified instructors for Lions Clubs International. See the qualifications and apply today.
Find out how you can leverage Lions International marketing, social media, brand guidelines, and kits to create high-impact promotions that will get your club noticed. Get inspired to build our brand of service and increase awareness of Lions around…
The 2016 Rose Parade theme is "Find Your Adventure." Lions Clubs International will participate in the parade with a float decorated to celebrate Camps for All Abilities. Watch this video to see how Lions camps around the world have made an impact…
[pdf] GAT AmbassadorsPresentation by PID Robert Rettby, GAT Area Leader Max Mongia, GAT Area Leader Zeynep Kocasinan and PCC Viresh Paul, provide an explanation on the role of the GAT Ambassadors . How they will play a vital role in motivating Lion & Leos take…
Visualize a great virtual convention! Hear from PID Steve Glass, PID Tom Gordon and David Kingsbury, General Counsel of LCI as they take you through start to finish of your convention. Tips on training, recognition, business session, engaging your…
SMiLE (Social Media including Lions Everywhere) is an international community of Lions with the sole purpose to help Lions, clubs, districts and MDs with social media through online resources and in-…
Host Constitutional Area Leader PID Elisabeth Haderer discusses CA4 Europe GAT initiatives and activities. She is joined by PID Gabriele Sabatosanti Scarpelli and GAT Field Specialists Blanca Saucedo and Kelsey Ax. The topics for this webinar cover…
Bullying is a serious problem among youth, especially as the use of mobile devices and social media takes bullying outside of the classroom and into children's everyday lives. Learn how Lions engage youth through Leo clubs, Lions Quest, youth…