Lions in Kenya developed a Diabetes Care Center in Nairobi--the first of its kind--providing comprehensive diabetes education, management and care.
Lions in Kenya developed a Diabetes Care Center in Nairobi--the first of its kind--providing comprehensive diabetes education, management and care.
[mp4] LCIF: Leading the ChargeLions clubs International Foundation (LCIF) is known throughout the world for its work to improve the lives of people affected by visual impairments. Together with many Lions clubs, LCIF has provided significant grant funding to Leader Dogs for the…
Following the devastation of Miyako City by a tsunami that killed 420 people and destroyed thousands of buildings, the Hidamari Branch Lions Club with the support of Lions Clubs International Foundation purchased a handicraft center and a food truck…
Explore financial resources, including expense claims forms for current and past international officers, directors and district governors and reimbursement policies.
See how the Global Service Team (GST) helps clubs identify resources and use best practices to improve their projects and, by extension, their impact. Get all the GST tools you need here.
Find out how Lions clubs can encourage youth to serve in their communities with the Young Leaders in Service Award.
Catch a glimpse of the first 100 years of Lions in our Centennial segment; learn how Lions in Hawaii are fighting hunger with a community garden; see youth embrace peace at a Lions camp in Norway; and more.
With over 400 members, the Seal Beach Lions club in California is the largest Lions club in the United States. They engage members and community by making their club fun and visible, involving family and youth volunteers, and empowering Lions to…