Through the District & club Community Impact Grants program, 15 percent of unrestricted contributions to LCIF are transformed into grants that fund local projects on a club and/or district level.
Read the Lions Club International website Privacy Policy here.
Find out how your club can become a Youth Camps and Exchange (YCE) sponsor club.
This writeable PDF Form is used to report contact information and officer service history.
Review of how to fill out and submit district governor expense claims.
This LQ features the Lions Measles Initiative; comprehensive sight services in Honduras; providing skills to preschool children in Virginia; rebuilding an Indian fishing village after a tsunami; and Lions in Texas using social media.
[mp4] Specialty ClubsDiscover how specialty clubs allow Lions to serve in specific and important ways in individual communities around the globe. Part two of our three-part series of 2019-2020 presidential videos.
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