Helpful guide that identifies common club issues and provides resources with potential solutions.
See how the Club Quality Initiative (CQI) planning tool can help your club identify opportunities for improvement. Explore CQI assessments, helpful tools and more.
Speaking Points to help discuss what New Voices is and the background behind the program.
Helpful information sheet to provide to the speaker/presenter to receive feedback regarding their presentation and needs.
Helpful review of expenses that are allowed and disallowed for district governors, first and second vice district governors.
Resource to help guide the convention team in promotion of the convention, seminars, events and more that are taking place at the convention.
LCIF offers a wide variety of grant programs to support your service. Join VP Dr. Patti Hill to learn more about LCIF grants and hear from Lions whose projects and communities benefitted from LCIF funding.
After 9/11, with the help of LCIF, Lions helped fund and sustain a program at the camp that helped children with a parent who died on 9/11.
This strategic planning tool is based on LCI Forward and and the Five Steps to helping your club’s operations be more efficient and facilitates change.
Find a variety of resources about the GAT, including leadership roles, GAT success story funding information and much more.