Learn about Helen Keller, her legacy, and the ways she's inspired Lions Clubs International through her advocacy work for the blind and those with disabilities.
Find answers to the most common questions about the Family Membership Program with our frequently asked questions (FAQ).
Starting a Lions Club offers you the opportunity to create the club you want to see in your community, and serve the causes you care about with the service-minded people you care about most.
Find out how Lions clubs can encourage youth to serve in their communities with the Young Leaders in Service Award.
Learn about the hunger chairperson role and find resources and information needed to succeed in this position.
Serving Together projects encourage collaboration between Lions clubs and the Leo clubs that they sponsor. Recognition is given for joint service projects, joint meetings or participation in one another's events.
Learn about International White Cane Safety Day and find activities that your club can lead to raise white cane awareness.
Learn about the vision chairperson role and find resources and information needed to succeed in this position.
Learn about the environment chairperson role and find resources and information needed to succeed in this position.