[pdf] Serve as a Leo-LionThe Leo-Lion membership program allows Leos to continue serving their communities, develop their leadership skills, and connect to a global network of Lions members
Governing documents of a Lions multiple district
Governing documents of a Lions multiple district
[mp4] Leo Senior PromWatch how Leos and Lions work together to organize a prom for senior citizens.
For Lions that would like to know more information about sponsoring a Leo Club.
[pdf] LCIF Leo Service GrantThe LCIF Leo Service grant is available to support service projects that are developed and implemented by Leos. Grants may be awarded up to US $2,500 for Lions District and US $5,000 for Lions Multiple District.
This form is for sponsoring Lions clubs to fill out to terminate their Leo Club.
Details the qualifications of and regulations for candidates for international office
This form is for sponsoring Lions clubs to fill out to create a new Leo club. For both Alpha and Omega.