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Please join the Lions of Africa, the GAT Leadership, a dynamic team of Lion storytellers, and LCI/F program beneficiaries in showcasing a variety of impactful stories from across the continent to the world at the first Africa GAT Success Story…
In the 1920s, Lions clubs continued to expand and serve communities with such projects as fundraising for a children's hospital.
[doc] Helen KellerHelen Keller inspired Lions to commit to ending preventable blindness and serving the visually impaired.
This informational flyer outlines the Chevron Award Program to recognize Lions reaching milestone anniversaries.
[pdf] Welcome.US PresentationLearn more about the Engage to Change Co-sponsorship initiative and the role of Lions clubs.
[pdf] Collection AgreementForm for Lions to use when setting up eyeglass collection sites/boxes in their community.
[pptx] Forum PowerPoint- FOLAC 2018A presentation from the 2018 FOLAC Lions Leadership Forum in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
Learn about ways Lions can serve virtually during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Use this resource to help you start to plan a project that includes both Lions and Leos.
Cause-based Specialty Lions Clubs unite members around a cause to strengthen their impact.