Executive Summary of the International Board of Directors Meeting
Executive Summary of the International Board of Directors Meeting
Executive Summary of the International Board of Directors Meeting
Executive Summary of International Board of Trustees Meeting
[mp4] Beyond the HorizonDiscover how 2018-2019 International President, Gudrun Yngvadottir, charted a course for Lions to achieve greater service through innovation, kindness and perseverance.
Take a look at the presidential theme for International President Fabricío Oliveira.
Following every major disaster of the last decade, Lions and Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) have been there. Together, they are providing disaster relief for basic needs such as water, food, shelter and medicine.
[pdf] LCI Forward CelebrationLCI Forward provided a global vision to guide Lions Clubs International into the future. This plan began in 2015-16, and we achieved some incredible things, thanks to you and Lions around the world.
Explore how DCGs can offer a new opportunity for Lions to support humanitarian activities in their communities.
Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) and Lions Quest are proud to be a founding member of The Choose Kindness Alliance, a coalition of the nation’s leading nonprofit organizations championing…