A brochure showcasing the impact of LCIF in the USA and Canada. This brochure also encourages Lions to support the foundation by showing how their donations will make a difference.
Lions and LCIF are there to help communities with both immediate and long-term needs after hurricanes, floods, fires, and other devastating natural disasters.
Childhood Cancer Grants are available to Lions districts and multiple districts in amounts from US$10,000 to US$150,000. Childhood Cancer Grants are designed to help enable Lions projects that…
Lions serve in many ways. But there are a number of causes and initiatives we support on a global level.
The Second Century Ambassador program was an opportunity for innovative Lions to invest in the future of our organization.
Learn about the requirements and benefits of becoming a student member and chartering a Campus Lions club.
See the ways Lions are strengthening the relationship between communities and the environment through environmental stewardship.
Representatives of the Leo Club Advisory Panel led a symposium with advice for Leo recruitment, membership experience and Leo to Lion transition with volunteer developed resources.