Learn more about the 101st International President of Lions Clubs International and how her home country, Iceland, has helped shape her creativity and dedication to service.
Highlights from the 99th Lions Clubs International Convention in Fukuoka, Japan. Lions from around the world gathered for fun, fellowship, business sessions, seminars, International parade and more.
Meet the 2021-2022 Lions Clubs International President Douglas X. Alexander of the Brooklyn Bedford Stuyvesant Lions Club (Brooklyn, New York, USA)
Information pertaining to unrelated business income tax (UBIT)
Lions and Leos come together to share success stories in the childhood cancer global cause in honor of International Childhood Cancer Day 2021. We will learn from four Lions who have been successful in implementing Childhood Cancer Service Projects.
Meet the 2019-2020 “Journey of Peace” Essay Winner Joseph Critchlow, age 13, from Liverpool, United Kingdom.
Meet 2023-24 Lions International President Dr. Patti Hill.
Learn how your club can become a Youth Camps and Exchange (YCE) host club.
Highlights from the 101st Lions Clubs International Convention in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. Lions from around the world gathered for fun, fellowship, business sessions, seminars, International parade and more.
Procedure for filing complaints arising from district governor and/or vice district governor elections