At this year’s Lions International Convention in Milan, Italy, Lions from around the world voted to amend the constitution & Bylaws to include Africa as our newest constitutional area (CA). Welcome, Africa, into the Lions…
[mp4] LCIF's 50th AnniversaryCelebrate the rich history of Lions Clubs International Foundation.
For those living in poverty, shoes are a luxury. See how Alaskan Leos work to deliver shoes that expand to grow with a child’s foot.
[pptx] All About Lions PresentationPresentation on the history, organization, service and membership of Lions Clubs International
2005-06 Lions Clubs International President Ashok Mehta reflects on how Lions can do so much more through Lions Clubs International Foundation.
Welcome to Lions Clubs International. Get to know Lions International and learn about the world of service opportunities, lifelong connections and leadership skills you can access as a member.
This exciting event commemorates Lions Clubs International's decades-long partnership with the United Nations as an NGO.
[mp4] Changing the WorldChanging the world takes courage - to look, ask, collaborate and act. Lions and Leos are changing the world one life, one community at a time. Be the change!
[pdf] Succession PlanningHosted by two experienced Lions. We will review ways to support leadership succession, district leadership report and the new Leo-Lion Liaison position.