This is the presentation file for the webinar that was hosted entitled: "Basics of Running a Zoom Virtual Meeting".
Learn about e-District House, a free resource for districts and multiple districts to develop their own websites. Explore the features and get started today.
Learn about e-Clubhouse, a free resource for clubs to develop their own websites. Explore the features and get started today.
In the October 2015 Lions Quarterly, watch Knights of the Blind, the next in a series of Centennial videos. See how Lions champion children to become heroes for peace and international understanding through our Peace Poster Contest; learn how the…
Find out about the more than 20 year partnership between LCIF and China that Is helping address the need for eye care in China.
1990-1991 Lions Clubs International President William L. Biggs reflects on expansion of clubs into Eastern Europe.
2009-10 Lions Clubs International President Eberhard J. Wirfs reflects on the growth of women members in the organization.
2001-2002 International President J. Frank Moore III reflects on the history of Lions' partnership with the Gates Foundation.