At this year’s Lions International Convention in Milan, Italy, Lions from around the world voted to amend the constitution & Bylaws to include Africa as our newest constitutional area (CA). Welcome, Africa, into the Lions…
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[mp4] Houses Full of LoveTo help the growing number of struggling elderly, Lions clubs in Busan started "The Houses Full of Love" project to repair and refurbish homes.
Lions Clubs International Foundation celebrates 10 years of changing lives through Opening Eyes, a partnership program with Special Olympics.
Learn about the requirements and benefits of becoming a student member and chartering a Campus Lions club.
For our second session, the CA 5 English Speaking Area was joined by special guest Constitutional Area Leader for CA 1, PID Jerome Thompson. PID Thompson spoke about John Maxwell's Five Levels of Leadership and how GAT Ambassadors can utilize this…
Following every major disaster of the last decade, Lions and Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) have been there. Together, they are providing disaster relief for basic needs such as water, food, shelter and medicine.
[pdf] LCI Forward CelebrationLCI Forward provided a global vision to guide Lions Clubs International into the future. This plan began in 2015-16, and we achieved some incredible things, thanks to you and Lions around the world.
During the ongoing war in Ukraine, LCIF grants are ensuring that Lions are there to help provide immediate relief to those seeking safety and security in a time of immense need.