Lions Clubs International volunteers are stepping up to answer the urgent call for vaccine promotion through social mobilization efforts in India. Measles and rubella are easily preventable with vaccines, but many children…
The Lions Clubs of Belgium have received an inaugural Golisano Health Award, given to them by the leadership of Special Olympics Belgium. The Lions of Belgium and SO Belgium have shared a vibrant national partnership since 2010…
There remains much work in the fight against measles, but Lions have the power to help eliminate the disease. By contributing to LCIF, Lions are helping children in all countries where measles remains a heavy public health…
Did you know that about 285 million people are visually impaired worldwide? Did you also know that as much as 80% of that is preventable? Of those 285 million, 90% of the world's visually impaired people live in…
Learn about the groundbreaking Engage to Change Co-Sponsorship Initiative at Lions International, where clubs in the United States are helping refugee families build their new lives in their…
Learn how the Lions in Western India (District 3234-D2) got together to form the Lions COVID-19 Task Force to improve the lives of those affected by the second wave of the pandemic…
Learn how Lions take new ideas to grow their service, membership and leadership.
This is a blog about how Global Lions came forward to support the people affected by the riots in Durban.
See how Lions in the United Kingdom have committed to providing a few minutes of down time every day during isolation with a daily story time.
Find out how Lions throughout Australia have been walking in recent weeks and months for a total of 25,760 kms (the circumference of Australia) for World Diabetes Day 2021.