After a half-century of global expansion, Lions established Lions clubs International Foundation in 1968 as a way to amplify the power of Lion giving. Since 1917, individual Lions clubs and districts had achieved remarkable…
[pptx] New Member OrientationThe New Member Orientation PowerPoint (ME-13b) provides the orientation trainer with a presentation template to follow when conducting new member orientation. Trainers should customize the presentation so it is relevant to their club.
An idea from a Cub grows into a district wide service project.
[mp4] Together We CanLions service is a team effort. There's no better way to make a mark than by being a Lion. We make our community better and feel good about it. Together, we can. Together, we will.
Watch the latest historical Lions video to learn how Lions have dedicated themselves to building peace and international understanding across borders and generations. Available in languages, select language under closed captions.
[mp4] Reading CarnivalLearn how Lions in Illinois work with their library to create a Reading Carnival for children.
[mp4] Leo Senior PromWatch how Leos and Lions work together to organize a prom for senior citizens.
Informational poster that gives information on diabetes and lists the Lions goals against Diabetes
[mp4] Where Are They NowLions legacy is in the difference we are making in the lives of millions of people around the world.
Learn about diabetes programs and service activities that are available to all Lions and Leos.