Lions Clubs International Foundation and Lions work with USAID to Improve Educational Opportunities for the Visually Impaired in Macedonia (FYROM)
[doc] Expanding HorizonsHarry A. Newman of Toronto became Lion’s first international president in 1924 as Lions Clubs expanded beyond the U.S.
Read about LCIF’s 30-year partnership with the World Health Organization (WHO), which has helped enact several blindness prevention initiatives.
Lions Clubs International Foundation Receives Humanitarian Grant from the Anthem Foundation
[doc] Expanding to AfricaIn 1953, Algeria became the first country in Africa to have a chartered Lions club.
Certificates of Insurance provide evidence of the automatic coverage provided to Lions clubs and districts.
Certificates of Insurance provide evidence of the automatic coverage provided to Lions clubs and districts.
1985-1986 Lions Clubs International President Joseph Wroblewski reflects on Lions in China and the launch of SightFirst China Action.
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