Discover how the Dade City Hispanic American Lions Club in Florida is bringing hope and change through service to the local farm-working community and more.
Discover how being a member of Lions Clubs International has made a positive impact in people’s lives, and how it has helped them serve their communities.
[doc] Expressions of PeaceSince 1988, Lions Clubs International has sponsored the annual Lions International Peace Poster Contest to encourage young people to express their perspectives on peace.
[doc] Brooms and PancakesLions clubs' fundraisers have taken many forms over the last 100 years, including selling brooms, mops, fruitcake, mints and candy bars.
Lions Clubs International Foundation Expands Sight for Kids Partnership with Johnson & Johnson Vision Care Expansion to Kenya and Turkey Celebrated on World Sight Day
[doc] One Voice, Many SpeakersAs Lions clubs spread around the world, Lions began to communicate in many languages. Our team of translators help the global Lions' community stay connected.
The Virginia Lake of the Woods Lions Club engages its 90+ members and community, including a weekly yard sale that raises nearly $50,000 annually.
Find out how adding family members into your club can bring new ideas and energy, and inspire the next generation of service.