The latest Lions Quarterly features a new historical Centennial video showing how Lions have grown into the world's largest service club organization. Learn about the Lions Million Penny Project, which helped Lions raise thousands of dollars for…
In the October 2015 Lions Quarterly, watch Knights of the Blind, the next in a series of Centennial videos. See how Lions champion children to become heroes for peace and international understanding through our Peace Poster Contest; learn how the…
In this issue of Lions Quarterly Video Magazine, hear how Lions around the world are making it their priority to benefit the well-being of children, watch how the Lions who established the Melvin Jones Health Center help a young boy return to school…
Since 1956, Lions have been a staple in Indian communities. Moreover, Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) has bolstered and elevated the work of the Lions in India through disbursements totaling more than $100 million in grants and the…
Check out all of the Lions club member benefits here. See how you can save on gifts and travel.
Learn how Lions take new ideas to grow their service, membership and leadership.
Learn how to grow your club by showing the service is really self-care.
Learn how to submit your story of service to LCIF: Stories of Pride, LCIF's new storytelling platform.
Learn about what advocacy looks like at Lions International, and how Leos are advocating for the issues they care about in their communities.
Read about Leo-Lion Kyle Boutilier's experience with the Young Lions Retreat and learn more about the 2020 retreat!