
We’re on a mission



Membership growth

The more we grow, the more we can give. With MISSION 1.5, all Lions have the opportunity to be recognized.

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New club development

We do not grow by acting alone. Start early, finish strong, be recognized as a Lion.

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Member retention awards

Kindness guides us. Earn pins, plaques, and patches for your service and dedication to MISSION 1.5.

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Target achievement

Stronger together. Always. Show the world what it means to be a Lion.

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Incentivizing success

MISSION 1.5 awards


Every mission has its rewards.

In the case of MISSION 1.5, the ultimate prize will be the lasting effect a growing membership has on our capacity to serve those in need.

But along the way, there will be opportunities to earn unique signature pins, plaques and banner patches in recognition of specific MISSION 1.5 milestones and achievements.

Membership growth


The biggest change begins with you. You bring special talents and unique skills to our service. And so will every new member you proudly add to the ranks of your local club.

All Lions

MISSION 1.5 Membership Rockstar Award

Lions do more than serve together – we grow together. The top Lions sponsors worldwide will be recognized with a special MISSION 1.5 Membership Rockstar Pin and Plaque.

Qualifying criteria
  • Be one of the 150 people who sponsor the most new members during each Lion year. Each constitutional area will have at least 5 winners per year.

MISSION 1.5 membership rockstars will also be recognized on lionsclubs.org, in LION Magazine, and at international convention.

Past officers

MISSION 1.5 Growth Champion Pin

Past officers never stop demonstrating their generous commitment to keeping Lions strong. As such, each year past international presidents, past international directors, and past district governors will have unique opportunities to earn exclusive Gold and Silver Growth Champion Pins, with the year inscribed, throughout MISSION 1.5.

Qualifying criteria
  • Silver MISSION 1.5 Growth Champion - Sponsor at least 2 new members in a Lion year
  • Gold MISSION 1.5 Growth Champion - Sponsor at least 5 new members in a Lion year
All Lions

MISSION 1.5 Sponsor Pin

In addition to the traditional sponsor pin, Lions who sponsor a new member during MISSION 1.5 will also receive a special MISSION 1.5 Sponsor Pin designed to celebrate the achievement of welcoming a new member to your Lions club.

Qualifying criteria
  • Sponsor a new member during MISSION 1.5

All new members and charter members who become Lions during MISSION 1.5 will receive a special member pin in addition to the traditional new member or charter member pin.

New club development


Committing to the creation of new clubs is an essential part of membership growth. We are stronger together. Always.

All Lions

Fast start charter challenge

Starting the Lion year off strong is a great way to lead by example and add new members to our ranks. Stand out and be recognized for chartering new clubs in your district.

Qualifying criteria
  • Leadership Medal - Form 2 new clubs within the first 3 months of each Lion year
  • Presidential Medal - Form 3 new clubs within the first 3 months of each Lion year
  • Once a President’s Award has been earned, you can begin qualifying again. Charter 2 more new clubs to earn an additional MISSION 1.5 Leadership Award, then continue chartering to earn another MISSION 1.5 President’s Award.

All Presidential and Leadership Award recipients will be a recommended Lion who played a key role in the forming of these clubs, chosen by the district governor.

All Lions

MISSION 1.5 Club Growth

Forming a new Lions club is always a celebrated achievement. Which is why MISSION 1.5 acknowledges recurring club chartering efforts with exclusive leadership and presidential Club Growth awards.

Qualifying criteria
  • Charter 3 new clubs, earn a MISSION 1.5 Leadership Award
  • Charter 5 new clubs, earn a MISSION 1.5 President’s Award
  • Once a President’s Award has been earned, you can begin qualifying again. Charter 3 more new clubs to earn an additional MISSION 1.5 Leadership Award, then continue chartering to earn another MISSION 1.5 President’s Award.

If they haven’t previously been counted towards a Fast Start Charter Challenge Award, clubs chartered during the first quarter will count towards your first MISSION 1.5 Club Growth award.

All Presidential and Leadership Award recipients will be a recommended Lion who played a key role in the forming of these clubs, chosen by the district governor.

Past officers

MISSION 1.5 Extension Champion Pin

Past officers are proven leaders. Because of this, each year past international presidents, past international directors, and past district governors will have unique opportunities to earn limited-edition Extension Champion Pins, with the year inscribed, during MISSION 1.5.

Qualifying criteria
  • Charter a new club during MISSION 1.5
All Lions

MISSION 1.5 Extension Excellence Pin

Club organizers who charter new clubs deserve recognition. These special edition MISSION 1.5 Extension Excellence Pins will be awarded at the chartering ceremony of the new club each recipient helped establish.

Qualifying criteria
  • Charter a new club during MISSION 1.5
Lions clubs

MISSION 1.5 Extension Excellence Banner Patch

The Extension Excellence Banner Patch has been specially designed for MISSION 1.5. When you sponsor a new club and add this limited-edition patch to your own club banner, it says to the world you understand – the more we grow, the more we’re able to give.

Qualifying criteria
  • Charter a new club during MISSION 1.5

Member retention awards


MISSION 1.5 is your opportunity to emerge as a Lion leader, put your club on the map and show that serving side by side means growing stronger together.

Lions clubs

Premier Club Award

MISSION 1.5’s Premier Club is a four-tiered, progressive award system with Premier, Silver, Gold, and Diamond levels. There is an opportunity to advance one tier every Lion Year, but to reach Diamond status by 2027, Premier Club status must be achieved in the first year.

Qualifying criteria
  • Gain a new MISSION 1.5 Premier Club award tier each year by achieving 100% retention (excluding drops for reason of “deceased” only), 10% growth, with a minimum of 5 new members.

Premier Club Award winners at and above the Silver Tier will also be recognized in LION magazine and at international convention.

Lions clubs

Platinum Club Award

There is a special place reserved at the top of the MISSION 1.5 mountain. It’s an elite level only the most dedicated Lions clubs can attain. Lions always rise to the occasion. This is the occasion.

Qualifying criteria
  • Retain 100% of existing membership (excluding drops for reason of “deceased” only) and double club size by adding at least 20 new members.

Platinum Club Award winners will also be recognized in LION Magazine and at international convention.

Target achievement


A little change goes a long way, and global change starts with local efforts. By achieving membership targets, you’ll qualify for additional MISSION 1.5 awards.

Lion leaders

MISSION 1.5 Hero Award: Mid-Year Milestone

Heroes lead by example. And Lion leaders who oversee specific areas that achieve their membership target will receive a true hero’s reward – these Mission Hero Plaques.

Qualifying criteria
  • Awarded to district governors, district/MD coordinators and GAT area leaders meeting 50% of their established membership target by December 31 each year of MISSION 1.5 with at least one new club formed.
  • District governors must also personally sponsor at least 5 new members
  • GAT area leaders and GAT district/MD coordinators must also have all of the districts in their purview reach half their targets and personally sponsor at least 5 new members or form a new club

Districts achieving their targets will be recognized on lionsclubs.org at the end of each year.

Lion leaders

MISSION 1.5 Hero Award: Year-End Milestone

Elite MISSION 1.5 Hero Award Medals will be presented to qualifying district governors, GAT area leaders, GAT district/MD coordinators, zone chairpersons and region chairpersons who have truly gone above and beyond MISSION 1.5’s call of duty by the end of the Lion year.

Qualifying criteria
  • Silver Medals – awarded to leaders achieving 75% of the membership target and sponsoring at least 5 new members or forming a new club (Silver medals are not available to zone/region chairpersons)
  • Gold Medals – awarded to leaders achieving 100% of the membership target and sponsoring at least 5 new members or forming a new club (See below for specific zone and region chairperson requirements)

Gold medalists will also be recognized in LION magazine and at international convention.

Zone chairpersons of zones with at least 4 clubs and region chairpersons of regions with at least 8 clubs will receive the Gold Medal if the zone/region had overall growth and the zone/region chairperson sponsored at least 5 members or formed a new club.

Additional resources


Explore the links below to learn more about making MISSION 1.5 a success.


Send us an email at MISSION1.5@lionsclubs.org. or visit the MISSION 1.5 page for more information.