Learn about the role of the club president and first-vice president and explore resources to help you succeed.
This form is available for LCIF District Coordinators to keep track of their montly club visits.
This form is for sponsoring Lions Clubs to report their appointed Leo Club Advisor and Leo Club President for the fiscal year. This should be done each fiscal year, either through MyLCI, but if they do not have access to MyLCI, then they use this…
Certificates of Insurance provide evidence of the automatic coverage provided to Lions clubs and districts.
Lions Clubs International Foundation celebrates 10 years of changing lives through Opening Eyes, a partnership program with Special Olympics.
Discover how being a member of Lions Clubs International has made a positive impact in people’s lives, and how it has helped them serve their communities.
Order form for Leo recruitment posters and materials, brochures, handbooks and member kits
Publication for promoting awareness of age-related eye diseases, how to protect eyes.