To be or not to be a Model Club? That is the question. The answer? A resounding “Be a Model Club!” If you’re ready to help your club become a Leader among Leaders, read on to learn why being a Campaign 100 Model Club is the…
[pdf] GAT Coordinators WebinarPresentation by PID Robert Rettby, GAT Area Leader Max Mongia, GAT Area Leader Zeynep Kocasinan, PCC Viresh Paul, and Grisell Barraza provide an in depth and thorough explanation on GAT, as well as introduce the new concept of GMA. Topics also…
LCIF offers numerous grant opportunities to empower Lions service. These tips will help you develop successful grant applications.
This flyer helps educate a Lion on the importance of becoming a sponsor for new members as well as their responsibilities when they welcome a new member.
In Nairobi, Lions work with a local school to provide basic health exams, water, and help promote healthy living habits.
In 2014, the marketing challenge for my 70-year-old club, the South Tucson Lions Club, was to build a new brand image. We wanted to stop being the “best-kept secret,” and start being the talk of the town. We wanted to really…
The Mount Cheam Lions Club believes that there is nothing more precious than the gift of sight. Their Centennial Legacy Project was inspired by Helen Keller’s plea to Lions in 1925 to become Knights of the Blind. Two thousand…
All multiple districts, single districts and undistricted provisional districts/regions/zones can apply to receive a grant towards an Emerging Lions Leadership Institute (ELLI) or a Regional Lions…
This year, Lions far and wide have served more than 275 million people. But what does that actually look like?