Lions International has held more than 100 conventions dating back to 1917. Many cities far and wide have hosted LionsCon, some more than once. See a list of all convention host locations.
Find out how your club can become a Youth Camps and Exchange (YCE) sponsor club.
Learn how students can benefit from joining a Campus Lions club and find out how you can charter a Campus Lions club at your school.
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Explore our list of past International directors and learn about their contributions to Lions Clubs International.
See all of Lions Clubs international's past international presidents and learn the history of our organization's leaders.
The milestones and achievements of Lions Clubs International, from our founding to today.
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The establishment of its foundation in 1968 furthered Lions’ ability to serve. While best known for funding large-scale humanitarian efforts, LCIF puts most of its dollars to work each year in the form of grants that help local Lions clubs improve…
Find out the International Leo Day Video Contest theme and submit your video.