1987-88 Lions Clubs International President Judge Brian Stevenson reflects on the vote to bring women into the organization.
The Emerging Lions Leadership Institute (ELLI) helps Lions looking to pursue leadership roles in their club. Find out if you qualify, how to attend, and more here.
Lions who wish to pursue leadership roles with their larger Lions community can learn about club operations, opportunities and resources at RLLI. Find out if you qualify, how to apply, and more here.
2006-2007 International President Jimmy M. Ross reflects on the life-changing power of giving.
2004-2005 International President Clement F. Kusiak reflects on the importance of forging partnerships with country leaders.
Form for endorsement of candidates for international office
1994-1995 Lions Clubs international President Prof. Dr. Giuseppi Grimalid reflects on joining Lions, an international humanitarian organization.
Watch the latest historical Lions video to learn how Lions have dedicated themselves to building peace and international understanding across borders and generations. Available in languages, select language under closed captions.
2001-2002 International President J. Frank Moore III reflects on the history of Lions' partnership with the Gates Foundation.
Explore resources to help guide you through the district goals process and submit your district goals for the current Lions year.