Checklist used for mentor of the club service chairperson
Survey to assist the Zone Chairpersons with clubs in their area
Booklet used by clubs to administrate eyeglass recycling program
Success starts with a vision! Use this planning guide to discover your clubs strengths, ways to improve and new opportunities that will help your club grow and thrive! Planning forms help develop a vision, assess your club’s needs and organize your…
An overview of the Global Membership Approach, resources, tools and tips for clubs.
This is a quick reference guide with instructions on completing the new club application in MyLCI.
This flyer has the basic information about a meeting to help facilitate new club generation.
Lions specialty clubs help meet people's passion, wherever that passion lies. The ECAD Lions Club Branch in Connecticut works with Educated Canines Assisting with Disabilities (ECAD), a local organization that trains and places Service Dogs for…
Comprehensive guide for membership chairperson to plan their year.
The Alpha Leo club program is for youths aged 12 - 18 who are interested in serving their community. This is the memebership form to be an Alpha Leo