In 2014, the marketing challenge for my 70-year-old Club, the South Tucson Lions Club, was to build a new brand image. We wanted to stop being the “best-kept secret,” and start being the talk of the town. We wanted to really…
Offers financial support to Lions who seek to improve diabetes awareness, prevention and management initiatives in their communities.
The Mount Cheam Lions Club believes that there is nothing more precious than the gift of sight. Their Centennial Legacy Project was inspired by Helen Keller’s plea to Lions in 1925 to become Knights of the Blind. Two thousand…
All multiple districts, single districts and undistricted provisional districts/regions/zones can apply to receive a grant towards an Emerging Lions Leadership Institute (ELLI) or a Regional Lions…
See a list of districts recognized for achieving their district goals in previous Lions years.
Get more information on the Lions Day with the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland here.
[mp4] LCIF Is Your FoundationIn your community and communities around the world, LCIF is your Foundation. Since being founded in 1968, LCIF has been supporting Lions in their efforts to make a difference around the world. In this new video, learn about the accomplishments of…
Following the devastation of Hurricane Maria, Lions in Puerto Rico are healing their community with the assistance of a LCIF Major Catastrophe Grant.
A flyer explaining the KidSight USA program. Great for Lions involved with KidSight USA who want to promote the program.
[pdf] Social Media ChecklistHandout to help Lions and Leos understand each social channel, share their stories effectively and grow their social networks.