On a trip to Belgium several years ago, Carterton, NZ, Lions Club secretary Allan Renall had an epiphany. Witnessing a large group of people in a town square crowding around a seated bronze statue of a man, a light bulb went off…
[mp4] Leo Senior PromWatch how Leos and Lions work together to organize a prom for senior citizens.
Informational poster that gives information on diabetes and lists the Lions goals against Diabetes
[pdf] LCIF Leo Service GrantThe LCIF Leo Service grant is available to support service projects that are developed and implemented by Leos. Grants may be awarded up to US $2,500 for Lions District and US $5,000 for Lions Multiple District.
Read Lion Carolyn Hall thoughts on the Top Club Service Award Finalists in the ANZI area.
This document is the DGE Seminar Registration & Travel Form for the DGE Seminar & International Convention in Singapore. Each DGE is expected to complete both pages of this form for themselves, and a DGE Spouse/Companion (if traveling with…
Please join the Lions of Africa, the GAT Leadership, a dynamic team of Lion storytellers, and LCI/F program beneficiaries in showcasing a variety of impactful stories from across the continent to the world at the first Africa GAT Success Story…
Visualize a great virtual convention! Hear from PID Steve Glass, PID Tom Gordon and David Kingsbury, General Counsel of LCI as they take you through start to finish of your convention. Tips on training, recognition, business session, engaging your…
Learn about ways Lions can serve virtually during the COVID-19 pandemic.