On a trip to Belgium several years ago, Carterton, NZ, Lions Club secretary Allan Renall had an epiphany. Witnessing a large group of people in a town square crowding around a seated bronze statue of a man, a light bulb went off…
New Zealand - Learn more about Lions work in Disaster Relief.
Constitutional Area V - Learn more about Lions work in Disaster Relief.
Visualize a great virtual convention! Hear from PID Steve Glass, PID Tom Gordon and David Kingsbury, General Counsel of LCI as they take you through start to finish of your convention. Tips on training, recognition, business session, engaging your…
Host Constitutional Area Leader PID Elisabeth Haderer discusses CA4 Europe GAT initiatives and activities. She is joined by PID Gabriele Sabatosanti Scarpelli and GAT Field Specialists Blanca Saucedo and Kelsey Ax. The topics for this webinar cover…
Learn about the Global Membership Team (GMT) and Global Extension Team (GET) and explore tools that will help you start new clubs, recruit new members and promote positive member experiences.
[mp4] Together We CanLions service is a team effort. There's no better way to make a mark than by being a Lion. We make our community better and feel good about it. Together, we can. Together, we will.