To be or not to be a Model Club? That is the question. The answer? A resounding “Be a Model Club!” If you’re ready to help your Club become a Leader among Leaders, read on to learn why being a Campaign 100 Model Club is the…
[mp4] Service from the HeartIn New York City, Lions are feeding the hungry. This is one of the countless ways Lions make a real difference every day in communities everywhere. By engaging in service from the heart, we can make our world a better place for all people
[pdf] GAT Coordinators WebinarPresentation by PID Robert Rettby, GAT Area Leader Max Mongia, GAT Area Leader Zeynep Kocasinan, PCC Viresh Paul, and Grisell Barraza provide an in depth and thorough explanation on GAT, as well as introduce the new concept of GMA. Topics also…
Lions volunteer support has expanded resources at Ergastiri, a workshop and semi-independent home for adults with disabilities.
[mp4] Jamaica SmilesThrough a permanent dental clinic, Jamaican Lions work with the Ministry of Health to bring smiles to the faces in their community.
Offers financial support to Lions who seek to improve diabetes awareness, prevention and management initiatives in their communities.
In 2014, the marketing challenge for my 70-year-old Club, the South Tucson Lions Club, was to build a new brand image. We wanted to stop being the “best-kept secret,” and start being the talk of the town. We wanted to really…
The Mount Cheam Lions Club believes that there is nothing more precious than the gift of sight. Their Centennial Legacy Project was inspired by Helen Keller’s plea to Lions in 1925 to become Knights of the Blind. Two thousand…
All multiple districts, single districts and undistricted provisional districts/regions/zones can apply to receive a grant towards an Emerging Lions Leadership Institute (ELLI) or a Regional Lions…